Cats total time of being pregnant from conceiving to the time kittens are born runs between sixty to sixty four days total. To start with, the cat's pregnancy isn't noticeable. It takes time to realize when a cat is going to have babies, just as in other animals, signs of being pregnant take time to become apparent. Approximately one month of the time between conceiving and giving birth it becomes most apparent that a cat is going to have kittens. After about a month of being pregnant, the felines stomach grows and quite often this looks like the cat is gaining weight, possibly from eating too much food or too many treats. When the stomach starts getting big, shortly thereafter, the nipples will start enlarging and becoming more obvious which can help provide confirmation of feline pregnancy. Numerous questions arise relating to what will happen next for cats expecting kittens along with precisely what owners need to do in order to prepare for birth and keeping the mother's health good. When the momma cat is around two weeks from birth, the outline of the unborn kittens may be felt by gently stroking her belly and one may notice gentle kicking from within. Now would be the time to start getting a birthing place ready. Felines prefer a quiet area away from everything and which is dark. A closet may be a good option due to lack of light and the ability to leave the door ajar so the mother can get in and out as she may so desire. Although a location has been set up for the pregnant cat, it doesn't mean the cat will use it. Cats have a mind of their own. Allow the mother cat to nest where she chooses, just try to see that it's safe for her and the newborns. An expectant mother cat will look for the perfect birthing spot within days of giving birth and she may stark looking around up to a week or even two weeks in advance. One should note that mother cats will give birth wherever they so please. Once the time arrives, it might happen in a completely different location such as underneath a bed, in the main living area, a garage, etc.. In the event the kittens get birthed somewhere other than expected, mother cats will usually relocate the newborn kittens herself, just allow her to do so without interfering . When the time of birth is within twenty four hours or so, one may notice the pregnant cat will start licking herself near the genitals quite continuously . Thirty minutes or more before the actual birth, the water will break which looks like some kind of thick fluid being sprayed from the mother cat. Another popular question about pregnant cats is the question of how many kittens to expect . Most often, there are between one and four kittens born, however, there can be more. Having a checkup by the animal clinic can give a better idea. Newborn kittens cannot see or hear, they are born deaf and blind. All kittens are born with blue eyes which change to the green eyes most often found in cats and their ability to hear usually happens within 10 -14 days. If the mother allows it, newborn kittens can be gently touched. Sometimes the mothers want their babies to be left entirely alone and if that's what she wants then that's what she should get. A kitten should be kept with the mother until it reaches 8-10 weeks old. In fact, it will be 2-3 weeks before the babies start becoming very active and after that those little kitties will be running around in a playful manner everyone enjoys seeing. So now you know what to expect when your cat is expecting. Be sure to get vaccines needed and remember to spay or neuter those newborns so they don't overpopulate. Frequently baby kittens have ear mites. Always observe the ears and give medication to get rid of the trouble Be natural with Dr Dogs Ear Oil, safely and effectively relieves symptoms for all felines. Ear mites in cats are a nuisance and treating them is necessary in order for them to go away.
Sunday, 4 February 2018
Here's What To Be Expecting When Newborn Kittens Are Expected
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