Thursday 8 February 2018

Myths About Back Pain

As with anything so common, myths have developed over time about what causes it and how best to deal with it.

It's understandable why these misconceptions arise. Indeed, some would have been the accepted belief in healthcare circles before new evidence emerged to give us fresh insights.

So healthcare professionals have sometimes been guilty of perpetuating the myths; both with patients and in the media.

Why all of this matters is that they can cause fear among people with back pain that influences their behavior.

It is an obvious finding by doctors that the best way to tackle back pain is to keep moving, but because of fear, and lack of knowledge fear stops people from doing causing the recoveries to be hindered, or even reversed.

Clinicians see the consequences of this fear every day. so the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy has a campaign aimed at busting these common myths.

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